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What is Neuro-Somatic Intelligence?

Neurosomatic Intelligence is an approach to healing, growth and performance that involves re-patterning the nervous system's well-worn habits and beliefs through simple, targeted exercises that provide it with the stimulus that it needs in order to positively adapt to the present and come out of the old, established trenches of the past. Practicing these exercises regularly increase internal safety as well as the brain and body's capacity for processing thoughts emotions and external events. Because these exercises address the brain and body through non-intellectual ways they work without the need to re-visit the past as talk therapy does. In my practice I blend Neurosomatic tools with Parts Work and Inner Child work to get the mind and body back on the same page and create both a felt and intellectual understanding of the healing process in a way that fully consensual to all parts of the self and does not overwhelm the nervous system.

To expand a little more on how Neurosomatic Intelligence works, it uses the intentional and repetitive activation of specific brain structures, neurological pathways, and sensory input systems via neuro-targeted exercises, with the specific goal of decreasing pain and survival outputs and increasing ease and performance. It is non-medical and non-pathologizing, utilizing the brain’s natural neuroplasticity (it's ability to change its function and structure in response to new stimulus) to recognize how sensory and cognitive inputs are affecting the nervous system and intentionally create new inputs to produce positive adaptations that allow for increased regulation, performance, behavior change and trauma resolution. This re-patterning can transform thoughts, beliefs, and actions, improve mood, mindset, emotions, reactivity, and brain integration as well as often positively impact physical symptoms like chronic pain, tension, fatigue, migraines, sleep and other stress-related outputs.

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